भोपाली भेजा फ्राई

यह ब्लाग विचारों का एक कीचड भरा दलदल है, देखते है इसमे कितने कमल खिलते है....

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Charisma - what it is?

Charisma - what it is? What it will do for you?

You're squirming in your seat, wondering if the next speaker can possibly be less inspiring than the preceding one, when, suddenly, the room falls silent. Looking poised and confident, the next presenter smiles, then begins. Instantly, it's clear that he's good: His strong, measured voice, his relaxed tone, his precisely articulated and well-chosen words, even his classy but understated appearance seem to fixate the crowd.

You think, "Wow! Who is this guy?" And then you realize it's just not what he is saying, or how he looks. It's his whole being. As his voice and gestures signal that he's nearing the high point of his remarks, you feel yourself soaring, rationally as well as emotionally, along with the ideas he presents so passionately...so much so that you know you'd probably follow him to a convention of cannibals if that's where he wanted to lead you. This guy has it!

Appeal to Mind and Emotions

But what does he have? What do real leaders have that can inspire you and draw you to them, that can cause you perform beyond expectations to accomplish their goals? Is it speaking well...or being socially adroit...or projecting an attractive, exciting image?

Actually, it's all that--and more. And for lack of a better term, we often group such qualities under the term charisma. I've been studying, teaching, and writing about human behavior, especially in business, for more than 20 years now.

As a result, probably like you, I know charisma when I see it...even if it's sometimes hard to pinpoint. But here's my definition: Charisma is the ability to positively influence others by connecting with them physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

In brief, it's what makes people like you and enjoy being around you...even when they don't know much about you. This personal magnetism can exist at the level of mass movements--such as politicians and evangelists--or in the small-scale encounters of everyday life, such as the shop owner who makes you feel so comfortable and valuable that you cheerfully drive a few extra miles to her store.

I'm convinced that, contrary to popular wisdom, charisma is not something you're born with, like having blue eyes or brown eyes. Instead, I think our personalities consist, let's say, of a series of containers, like cups or glasses. Some are nearly empty, some brimming, yet others are partially filled to varying degrees. Together, they constitute our potential charisma.

If all the glasses were filled to the top, you'd be so charismatic people would think you were a god...and you'd probably think so, too. But nobody has a complete set of totally full glasses, although some really gifted people--JFK or, say, Churchill--may have come close to this ideal. But, for most of us, the glasses are filled a bit erratically, though we can add to them.

Here, as I see them, are the seven main components of charisma--or, the "glasses," if you will:

• Your silent message...You unconsciously send out signals to others. Maybe you look them right in the eye, or maybe you stare at your shoes when you talk. Perhaps you slump your shoulders, or maybe you square them confidently. You may fail to smile naturally or shake hands firmly, or you might dress in a way that's not you. All these shape your image and affect the people you want to lead.

• Your persuasive talent...No idea, however great, ever gets anywhere until it's adopted. Charismatic executives can distill complex ideas into simple messages so that even the guy who sweeps the floor understands what the company stands for and why that’s important.

• Your ability to speak well...You may have a zillion terrific ideas, but who will know if you can't articulate them?

• Your listening skill...Rarely taught and infrequently practiced, listening is nonetheless a key to communicating and making others feel special in your presence.

• Your use of space and time...Again, though it's often overlooked, use of spatial and temporal territories can make or break relationships.

• Your ability to adapt to others...Building rapport means understanding other people's personalities, then adapting your own behavior to increase compatibility.

• Your vision, your ideas...Regardless of how strong and persuasive a speaker you are, how adept you are at connecting with others, how well you listen, use your space or time, or send out silent signals, you've still got to have something to say...or you'll just be an empty suit.

So, it's not a single ingredient that makes a person charismatic, and, more important, charisma isn't based on I.Q., genetics, social position, wealth, or luck. Instead, it can be learned.

Why Charisma Matters

And...learning to improve your charisma is more important than ever. Why?

Change calls for strong, mesmerizing leaders. In our age of start- ups, acquisitions, turnarounds, mergers, de-mergers, new regulatory climates, and all other sorts of rapid, unpredictable change, especially in business, that's more true than ever.

Television and our general emphasis on the visual make charismatic people more effective. (Remember: The physical is a big component of "the silent message" glass.)

Our expectations have risen. We've come to demand more from people than mere competence. When even the local car dealer or supermarket manager can be seen as articulate, personable, and persuasive in a slick TV ad, we no longer readily accept those who squirm, stumble over their words, and don't quite look us in the eye.

The old-fashioned kind of hierarchy, the command-and- control environment, is passÈ. Even the highest-ranking officials need more than their title to get people to accept their ideas. Instead, in this era of "empowerment," when empathy and support are revered, charismatic people stand out because they're communicators who are able to see things from another's perspective and, thus, continually seek to find the common ground.

Those with personal magnetism, or charisma, are usually self- confident optimists. Viewing almost all problems as solvable-- focusing on desired results rather than possible failures--helps encourage people to step forward and convert fear into challenge.

All of these are reasons for you to try to greatly improve your charisma. In subsequent articles, I'll give tips on how to raise the levels in each of your seven charisma "glasses." But, for now, remember that even if you never get a chance to head a corporation, spearhead a movement or even hold office in the local PTA, you can use your charisma, present or future, to do good for yourself and others, to make for positive change in ways large and small.

Connecting with People

A person who develops his or her charisma is likely to do well in all aspects of life. That's because, on several different levels, they better connect with people. By definition, the charismatic person is more other-directed, more empathic. That gives them more personal power--and that's a big plus for anybody.

Take basketball star Michael Jordan, certainly one of the most charismatic athletes of recent times. Despite being the most- heralded professional player of his era, he quit the hardwoods to play minor-league baseball for a time. He didn't make it to the big leagues, but he didn't strike out with his millions of fans, who may have thought his ill-starred tenure with the Birmingham Barons made him, if anything, more human.

As you seek to improve you charisma and personal power, remember that when people feel someone is making them do something, they're often frustrated and resentful--and as a result, they dig in their heels.

The truly charismatic person, strives to create feelings of collaboration and equality. They approach others interactively and try to give them a choice. Testing this doesn't require a big, important issue. Everyday tasks will suffice.

For example, saying "Copy this report" is a mild form of coercion from a position of power. But asking "Would you mind copying this report?" or "Do you have time to copy this report right now?" is more interactive. Similarly, you can't successfully order employees to "Be more productive!" or "Improve your efficiency!"

But you can organize them into teams, for instance, or create suggestion systems that really work, and give people more information about the company's profits and losses. In addition, recognize another person's achievements, contributions, and particular skills. Catch someone doing something right! And celebrate those successes.

Everyone wants to feel that they're on a winning team. Be aggressively optimistic and willing to be the first to do something and to take the heat if it doesn't work out.

Charismatic people have heard all the bromides about why you can't rock the corporate boat ("We've never done it that way before." "It's too radical a change."), but they just pay less attention to them. Instead, they relish a challenge, not just for themselves but for their followers, too, who wish to take risks and be allowed to make some mistakes. So if you give your people some control over resources and influence over how to do a task, you'll help them build self-confidence.

In fact, the charismatic person often good-naturedly challenges, prods and pokes as he or she encourages others to stretch themselves. Again, take Michael Jordan. He's said to, even in practice, be the loudest, most demanding player on the court, goading the other Bulls to give their all. It's his way of being inspirational; he never stops competing, even when no one is keeping score. The potential to be charismatic leader is within you, too. And...the payoff for doing so has never been higher.

healthy minds

बच्चों का दिमाग स्पंज की तरह होता है, ढेर सारी जानकारी को आसानी को सोख लेते हे पर जेसे जेसे हम व्यस्क होते जते हे हमारे दिनमाग की याद करने की और सीखने की शक्ति कमा होती जाती है. बच्चे व्यस्कों की तुलना में जल्दी से कविता और भाषा सीख जाते है. पर जेसे जेसे हम व्यस्क ह्ते जाते हे हम छोटी छोटी बातों को याद करने में कठनाइ होती है. यहां तक की हमे नाम भी याद नहीं रहते. दुकान पर समान खरीदने जाते हे और वहां जाते ही उसे भूल जाते है. 30 को पार करने के बाद इसे हम महसूस करने लगते है. दिमाग को स्वस्थ और active रखने के लिये हमे थोडी सी ज्यादा extra care हर दिन करनी होगी. दिमाग को स्वास्थ रखने के लिये में हमेशा कुछ ऐसा खोजता रहता हू की जिससे ये पूरी क्षमता से काम करता रहे. में डाक्टर नहीं हू पर कुछ बाते एसी हे जो दिमाग को चुस्त दुरस्त रखने में मदद करती है.

1. तनाव को कम करे:

तनाव दिमाग को ही नही शरीर पर भी बुरा असर डालता है. तनाव के दौरान हमारा शरीर एसे रसायन और हारमोन शरीर मे छोडता हे जिनका लम्बे समय मे बुरा असर हमारे शरीर के नाजुक अंगो पर पडता है. तनाव के दौरान ब्लड प्रेशर बडना एक आम बात हे. लम्बे समय तक तनाव पूर्ण जीवन हमारे शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को भी घटाता है.

2. व्यायाम:

हमें रोज 30 से 40 मिनिट शरारिक व्यायाम करना चाहिये. इसमे एरोबिक्स, योगा और मेनेजर पसंद आउट डोर खेल शामिल हो सकते है. जब भी हमारा व्यायाम करते हे यह हमारे शरीर मे खून के दौरे को बडाता है. इससे भरपूर ओक्सीजन हमारे शरीर को मिलती है. जो हमारे दिमाग और शरीर की जरूरत हे. नियमित व्यायाम हमें तरोताजा रखता है.

3. दिमागी कसरत:

कुछ नया करने की कोशिश करे. कुछ नया सीखे. नई भाषा, संगीत, या नये लोगों से मिले. अखबार मे आने वाले क्रोसवर्ड ,पहेली को सुलझाये. यह आपके दिमाग को चुस्त दुरस्त बनाये रखेगा.

4. TV कम से कम देखे:

TV कम से कम देखे. घर पर लोग सबसे ज्यादा समय टीवी देखते हुये बिताते है. अच्छा हो की आपने पंसद के प्रोग्राम को ही देखे. उसको समय बिताने का साधन ना बनाये. यह आपके

5. संतुलित खाना:

खाना स6तुलित हो, There are certain proteins, vitamins and minerals which are especially healthy for our brain. It is recommended to eat foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but reduce the intake of trans fats. Consuming limited amounts of fish, eggs and almonds is also good. Eat whole wheat as it contains lecithin that promotes healthy arteries, which in turn is good for your brain as well. Drink apple juice and consider taking one tablet of multivitamin a day that includes folate and antioxidants. Vitamin B-complex is also known to enhance brain's memory power. Limit your intake of caffeine and sugar. Last but not least, drink enough water.

6. समाजिक कार्यों में हिस्सा ले:

अपने रिश्तेदारों और दोस्तों से मिले. समाजिक कार्यों मे हिस्सा ले. नई जगह घूमने जाये. बच्चों के साथ खेले. यह आपको बहुत सारी जीने की वजह देता है. जीवन से प्यार करना सीखाता है

Showing Affection

Openly show affection when you are at home with your family. Allow your children, your parents, and your friends to see you touch, hug, and kiss. When you are out in public hold hands, hug, kiss, and touch each other. We are not advocating exhibitionistic displays of explicit sex, but a genuine disclosure of your sensual appreciation of each other. In whatever way is most comfortable for you, let your children know that you make love, that you thoroughly enjoy it, and that making love is normal, healthy, and beautiful. Allow for the possibility that they may hear you making love sometimes. Talk openly with your children about love and sex as soon as they show an interest, no matter what age they may be. If you find this difficult to do, stop and ask yourself what that tells you about your subconscious beliefs and assumptions about sexuality and affection. If sex is good, why hide it? Compare how you think about sex with how you think about arguing in front of your children and other people.

Lovers’ Time

We have already suggested that you set aside a two- to four-hour block of time each week for Tantra loving. You can also use some of that time or make other dates for non-sexual loving. The essential ingredient is love. During your lovers’ time, the two of you are the only event. You focus on: = Nourishing, strengthening, and enlivening your

relationship. = Reaffirming how absolutely fabulous your mate is.

Besides weekly dates, aim for overnights or weekends away every few months, especially if you have children. They’ll appreciate you more when you return and your escape to romance will recharge your parenting batteries.

Embracing Effort

“Love doesn’t just sit there like a stone;

it has to be made, like bread,

remade all the time, made new.”

—Ursula K. LeGuin

Creating love is something you learn to do. Long-term, sustainable, unconditional love does not just happen to you. In fact, learning how tocreate unconditional love would be part of the curriculum if you were studying for a Ph.D. in the art of loving. Earning a Ph.D. in anything takes a lot of effort—focused, continuous effort. Maybe you are not tough enough for love? Perhaps you do not want to take the time to learn? But if you choose not to, you will likely miss out on what may be the only way to make a relationship last in the long run, through all of life’s ups and downs, rewards and disappointments. You may forego growing old in passionate

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ultimate life goal

Today it is not possible to achieve this across the wide range of people divided in to narrow boundaries of caste, religion, race and countries. However, thousands years of human survival has given time proven golden rule of living socially in harmony. Lets rediscover those universal rule and use it to achieve ultimate goals. which can achieve

Healthy energetic people full of pleasure and joy. Amusing and playful people, who enjoy working for each other. Colorful, comfortable and pleasant climate. Height of fine arts, technology and science. Political peace such that no place for anger, anxiety, fear, greed, where knowledge flows freely.

Pyramid of Poverty

Our social structure follows pyramid structure as one moves towards peak, becomes more power full and influential. As we know today 90% of earth resources are owned by jus 10% of population at top of the peak of pyramid and rest 90% owns hardly 10% resources. These 90% population end working on whims, fancy, greed and fear of these top 10% . Earlier we use to have small pyramid, as we are progressing these small pyramid merged to form bigger and then still bigger. Future can be viewed as giant single pyramid

In early days of civilization we use to have very small pyramid. In such small pyramid structure top to bottom each one could develop direct communication and could choose the best at top. As time moved these small group joined to form larger groups and people at top getting more and more power. Soon there were kings and there kingdom. … By analyzing past and looking into present we can extrapolate future to a large extent. we r moving towards building global giant single pyramid…

means what?

Future is world of technological advancement, but advancement is not for all, it is for the benefit for the few, there will be billions of people who won’t have reach to it same is happening today. Today best and critical technology is only for few and they r those few who decides which technology has to go public and at what price. Which technology is suitable to a particular country. Today population is divided into countries and working for the but tomorrow

Others are jus merely living and working for them.and now

but they were in large numbers but

Its true groups were important for our survival and larger the group more power and strength to face threat. Earlier being a small group they were total responsible for the environment they live. Hence they developed habit and custom to suits that environment and they were in harmony with it. But today some body else sitting thousands KM away can decide about there environment and can pass policy to change it. They can displace them they can destroy the delicate environment maintained for thousands of years. More over technological break through like nuclear and bio chemical warfare made things worse. So if u say Our lifes doesn't depend on others. Albeit, there actions affects us, because we shared the same planet …i think it is more then that.

good or bad for humanity …right now! going global following pyramid structure is a reality. …but can we think of any other geometrical form, Can we have any other geometrical form!

poverty by eastern culture and values. We r people who believes in spiritual development. Our culture gave minimum emphasis in acquiring material world and limiting us what is required for immediate survival. And this philosophy was valid for centuries and kings use to bent down and fight to preserve those who may b poor in material world but were very rich in spiritual world.

After invasion of western thought and culture simplicity no more remain a way of life. Now simplicity is treated as weakness, laziness and person considered to be mentally diseased if he just think and live for today and not accumulate wealth!

We attacked them with our western philosophy. And displaced them and made homeless. if u interview people around those who collect waste and live on street. u will be astonished to know that jus few decade back they were not like that. They were enjoying simple life living harmoniously with nature. Most of them are now victims of disaster, or displacement caused by govt policy and adopting wrong model of developnmet. These simple people are still under shock to the extent that they consider themselves as unfit.

They were of a belief that if they take care for small world around them and live harmoniously with it. The rest will be taken care by almighty god. They were wrong as today they are most affected population of the world. They failed to view there position with respect to global world. They were not knowing that they can be easy target to some body else greed sitting thousdand of KM away from them. look if we don’t give thought to it, some other will do, and it is not necessary that they will take care of us too, as it happened to millions of victim today.

do u know in India, today most suffered population is our tribes and poor farmers...they r those people who lived there life in harmony with nature for thousands of years. Are now at the verge of extinction of there values and culture … and are forced to become BPL’s They r made to believe that only govt can uplift them. And they today live as exploited labor or end up collecting plastics, bottles they hav no voice of there own,

they can be easily exploited and r cheap labour source. In villages they are called agriculture labour. They are secured vote bank for political parties as they can b easily provocated in the name of caste and religion…they are the most affected vicitims of any riots.

there forest, river and mountains are exploited by so called smart and intelligent civilization. It means being simple and harmonious is not the perfect way of living. As today it Will not take us long on the road of survival.

can u dream 2100!!

For last one month I was on this topic searching net and questioning friends like u. Net is full of article depicting tremendous change in climate…rise in temperature will turn most of asia and Africa to desert and sea level rise will make many cities like new York vanish. Food and energy will be major concern. Before we dive logically in to it and explore further on fascinating journey. Lets try to answer
By analyzing past and looking into present we can extrapolate future to a large extent. I agree technological advancement is not for all, it is for the benefit for the few, there will be billions of people who won’t have reach to it same is happening today. Today best and critical technology is only for few and they r those few who decides which technology has to go public and at what price. Which technology is suitable to a particular country..Others are jus merely living and working for them.

As we know today 90% of earth resources are owned by jus 10% of population. Rest 90% is basically working for them we assume same will b true for future too. In future also divide between have and have not will be too wide. If we look in to progress of civilization we moved from individual towards forming small groups..small to large…then state, country…and now we r moving towards global …means what?

good or bad for humanity …right now! going global following pyramid structure is a reality. …but can we think of any other geometrical form

Our social structure follows pyramid structure as one moves towards peak he becomes more power full and influential. Earlier we use to have small pyramid but large numbers but as we progressed thee small pyramid merged to form bigger and then still bigger. Can we have any other geometrical form!

Its true groups were important for our survival and larger the group more power and strength to face threat. Earlier being a small group they were total responsible for the environment they live. Hence they developed habit and custom to suits that environment and they were in harmony with it. But today some body else sitting thousands KM away can decide about there environment and can pass policy to change it. They can displace them they can destroy the delicate environment maintained for thousands of years. More over technological break through like nuclear and bio chemical warfare made things worse. So if u say Our lifes doesn't depend on others. Albeit, there actions affects us, because we shared the same planet …i think it is more then that.

Erin lets try to look at issue of poverty by eastern culture and values. We r people who believes in spiritual development of selves. Our culture gave minimum emphasis in acquiring material world and limiting us what is required for immediate survival. And this philosophy was valid for centuries and kings use to bent down on there simplicity and fight to preserve them??

After invasion of western thought and culture simplicity no more remain a way of life in turn it was treated as weakness, laziness and person considered to be mentally diseased if he just think and live for today and not accumulate wealth . Right dear!

We attacked them with our western philosophy. And displaced them and made homeless. Erin if u interview people around those who collect waste and live on street. u will be astonished to know that jus few decade back they were not like that. Most of them were victims of disaster, or displaced still under shock to the extent that they consider themselves as unfit.

I mentioned about Indian tribe in last email …dear they suffered a lot being simple. As u know I travel a lot, whenever possible I try to travel in general class so that I interact with them and don’t miss any chance visiting and staying remote villages. I can only say that we should learn to respect there simplicity. Some of my best experience..and best days were with them only.

U r right today machines are controlled by humans but u will agree that complicated process are automated, day by day we r moving towards more automation and intelligent system. So it is not surprising that they cross the threshold a point of no return. When machines takes over… its not theoretical still today many decision is taken by machines and operator jus press the button of yes or no..:D. oh! Come on don’t give a killing look!…instead visit near by air port or get a chance to enter into cockpit of Boeing 747. Anyway we can discuss on this as separate topic.

in our country also people who live in cities they r either in slums or found at public places like railway plate form, parks, bus stand, or at temples. They collects plastics, bottles and sell in junk shops beside that hav no voice of there own, they can be easily exploited and r cheap labour source. In villages they are called agriculture labour. Our govt tag them as bpl(below poverty line). They r made to believe that only govt can uplift them. They are secured vote bank for political parties as they can b easily provocated in the name of caste and religion…they are the most affected vicitims of any riots. And also they r easy source for riots too. They have very high degree of immunity against disease. And they can live for week on the food which barely enuf for a day for individual like us

Why don’t we just live life?

Why don’t we just live life?

we cant, we are born with minds and not with tails. Mind which question every thing around. Explore every thing and that’s the reason we reached to present stage of our existence. We came out from caves and now living this life. The quest to know who we r why we r, what we r, how we r and where we r. will keep our minds exploring and reasoning every thing around us until and unless we find answer for basic question we humans had.

why don't we just live the life we have and treasure every single minute we spend here with our loves one and the people who we can meet? … yes our ultimate goal is to live here with our loves one and the people who we can meet. But there are forces around us not allowing us to do that all time and at all places ..let it be the forces of natural calamity …disaster, disease, environment or simply war. So there has to be some one from us working consciously and continuously on it.

Its perfectly ok to live the way world around us offer to us. most of us live that way only. its like running on trade mill but some of us dare to step down and moves away from it. global issue like environment, hunger and population can not be addressed properly without knowing the reason of our being. the more we r knowing about mystery of life ..the more we r close to the solutions. as i said till now u could live your life the way u want but as we progressing we r getting more global. it means that even though your acts are in perfect harmony with surroundings some body else can make your life hale!

beside this natural calamity always remain our concern. hence finding answer to the basic question will remain valid to the curious mind of some of us. recent news that scientist has invented chip which replicate human brain thinking...if that’s true...then we will see an massive change in next few decade. where we will b surrounded with designer babies and human robos...it means what!..no wonder when u come across ‘terminator’ ( hope u hav seen this movie..:) like situation when war will be fought by machines. When these machine will be designed to kills humans and only humans.

today Also war is getting more with machine but right now these are controlled by humans..but later due to its complicacy it will be controlled by more intelligent machines who can think like we do…? So if we don’t know our own true purpose and jus go with knowledge and science where it will lead to...very theoretical and very imaginative question but some body has to work on it before its too late.

… look if we don’t do some other will do…and it is not necessary that they will take care of us too… In India, today most suffered population is our tribes. every single minute they spend with there loves one and I total harmony with surrounding keeping there desires and need to the minimum in that way they lived there life in harmony with nature for thousands of years. They are now at the verge of extinction due to non of there fault. there forest …river and mountains are exploited by so called smart and intelligent civilization. It means being simple and harmonious is not the perfect way of living. As today it will not take us long on the road of survival. Those who think and act global will decide world fate.